check product status for configurable et simple

select ce.sku,ci.`attribute_id`,ci.value ,ci.store_id from catalog_product_entity as ce
inner join catalog_product_entity_int as ci on ce.row_id=ci.row_id
where ce.sku in (
‘060-9041-MASTER’) and ci.attribute_id=97
select ce.sku,ci.`attribute_id`,ci.value ,ci.store_id from catalog_product_super_link as cpl
inner join catalog_product_entity as ce on ce.row_id =cpl.product_id
inner join catalog_product_entity_int as ci on ce.row_id= ci.row_id
where cpl.parent_id in (
select row_id from catalog_product_entity as ce
where ce.sku in (
‘060-9041-MASTER’) and ci.attribute_id=97

select ce.sku,ci.`attribute_id`,ci.value ,ci.store_id from catalog_product_entity as ce
inner join catalog_product_entity_int as ci on ce.row_id=ci.row_id
where ce.sku in (
) and ci.attribute_id=97